Saturday, April 11, 2009


This past week has been Holy Week, which this year lined-up with Passover. I like when that happens, because Holy Thursday commemorates Jesus' final Passover Seder. I like historical context. Do you like to look at things in a historical context?
My fast ends tomorrow. I'm craving me some animal carcass, some sweets and some savories.
It is currently raining in Brooklyn, and showers are expected to become more intermittent this afternoon. High of 53F with winds NNE at 10 - 20 mph. The chance of rain is about 60%. Tonight there will be some clouds in the evening that will dissipate leaving generally clear skies overnight, with a low of 37F and winds NNW at 10 - 20 mph.
I love weather. All weather. I believe that we will be in serious trouble the day we have no weather. How's the weather there?
I am taking Charlotte to visit some old friends who came to town for Passover. We will drive out on the Island, and have lunch with them.
I am a bad cell phone user. Not that I use it too much, quite the contrary. I have never really learned to pay serious attention to it. I think of it as a means of communication only for pertinent information: "I'm running late."; "I'm stuck in traffic."; "Did you say 'cheese danish' or 'prune danish'?"; "Can you turn off the iron for me?"; etc. I find American "cellular" technology to be wanting, and not very pleasant for a chit-chat. I share 400 minutes a month with my wife and we never EVER use them. Do you have a mobile phone? Do you use it much?
Please send birthday greetings to:
Oleg Cassini
Ethel Kennedy
Joel Grey
Louise Lasser
Louise Lasser was Mary Hartman in the ground-breaking television show "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman." Did you know she was married to Woody Allen in the sixties? Well, she was in her thirties, the decade was the sixties.
Eamonn Zaidan is my most recently added friend at Facebook. Who is yours?
context \kon-tekst\


:the parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect

:the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.

:the fleshy fibrous body of the pileus in mushrooms.
Dick Mac says: "One of my favorite comedy tactics is to pursue a conversation based on a statement taken out of context and continuing it, deliberately and insistently, until the audience is unable to remember the original point of the conversation."
Name that tune: We come from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.