Saturday, March 21, 2009


This might have been the longest week of my life! A day off for a birthday that included a day full of meetings, a 225-mile (each way) road trip for a funeral, said trip completed in 22 hours, and a full week's worth of work completed in three days. No wonder I am so tired on Saturday!
Al Falafel comes to town next week, but I will be out of town so I will miss him.
Sunshine to start, then a few afternoon clouds. High near 50F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Tonight sees partly cloudy skies. Low 33F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Currently 28F.
Not bad for the second day of Spring in New York.
How do you like your weather?
Please send birthday greetings to:
Johann Sebastian Bach
Timothy Dalton
Gary Oldman
Matthew Broderick
Rosie O'Donnell.
Have you seen "The Fifth Element"? Gary Oldman is very good in his role. A lesser actor would have missed the opportunity for comedic relief.
Alessandro Migliorati is my most recently added friend at Facebook. Who is yours?
shame  \sheym\ (noun) [(verb) shamed]

: the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of doing something dishonorable
: disgrace
: a fact or circumstance bringing disgrace or regret

: to cause to feel shame
: to drive, force, etc., through shame
: to cover with ignominy or reproach
Dick Mac says: "It's a shame that I am going to miss the Red Bulls home opener next weekend."
Name that tune: "For she would never be free when I was around."